Spring 2022

Hi out there! It has been a long time since I have posted in this blog, although I have much enjoyed reading the blogs of others. I opted to leave the blog behind when a series of events occurred.

We made the ninety mile trip to see my husband’s parents weekly or biweekly for many years, as we were managing their care once they needed it. My husband’s mother then passed away, and we were managing the care for his father, who passed away in 2018, the same year that my mother, who lived in Washington state, had a serious fall and was hospitalized and then had to go into assisted living along with my bonus dad. We made trips to Washington to get them settled and eventually to pack up their home and sell it. We sold our home the next year and worked on getting settled in a new place. We put in new flooring and a patio, as the backyard was just dirt at that time. We each had surgery. The results of all that were good, and just recently, we moved my folks down to be in an assisted living facility just a few minutes from us.

One side of the backyard.

About a year after we moved in, there was a fire. It looks closer than it really was, but it was a scare nonetheless.

This was the “gender reveal” fire that occurred when the family lit some fireworks at a park.

My “writing custom” during these past few years has been to jot down ideas, images, and thoughts into a journal (or scraps of paper, whatever was handy), and then expand them into poems or stories when I was able to settle down and focus. My friend, Luanne Castle, over at https://writersite.org has nudged my poetry endeavors, kindly sending books and related materials. I can’t say enough about the value of encouragement!

More of my poems have been published than I expected, and I have really appreciated some of the letters from editors who take the time to mention why they liked a certain poem. It’s great if they just say “vivid” or “nice tone.”

A Thin Slice of Anxiety featured five poems. So nice to have all five that I sent accepted.

The Cumberland River Review published “Now I Walk Through Time”

Brief Wilderness published “Man Looking Out to Sea at Dusk”

There have been a few more, and I just got a couple of acceptances this past week.

I hope your writing is going well!

14 thoughts on “Spring 2022

  1. The tasks set before you have been monumental and yet your spirit is so strong throughout these marvelous poems. However you’ve “accustomed” your writing, you’ve done a most remarkable job at it all.

    Bless you and all your loved ones.


  2. What a lot going on! I hope things will settle so creativity can flow. In the meantime, congratulations on your poem publications and stunning yard. Those trees look like babies—one cannot but feel tender towards them. I’m so glad the fire veered away.


    1. Thank you Jeannie! Yes, the trees were newly planted when we moved in; in fact, the entire street was new. We love the Queen Palms! Not seen is a sweet little Meyers Lemon tree in a ceramic blue pot.


  3. Wow, you’ve gone through a lot in the past few years, Carla. Kudos to you for persevering with your poetry. I understand how Luanne’s encouragement would be a boost for you, but you’re the one who submitted your poems 🙂 Congratulations on the acceptances. Also, how wonderful that your parents are just a few minutes away from you. That must give you much peace of mind.

    What a relief that the fire didn’t get closer to you. Was that the El Dorado fire? I’m assuming you live in California … but maybe not 😉 Your backyard is lovely but it actually reminds me of Arizona.

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    1. Hi Marie! Yes, it is quite a relief to have my folks nearby, as they are definitely declining. Mom is 85 years old, and despite everything, she still has a sense of humor and seems quite happy for the most part. We do live in California, and that was indeed the El Dorado fire. Hoping we don’t have any close calls this year!

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