Poems and Stories


“Teaching Encounters,” “Motion, Symmetry,” and “On a Flowing Ebb” in Westview (A Journal of Western Oklahoma)
Volume 32, Issue 1, Winter 2016.
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Language and Literature
100 Campus Drive
Weatherford, OK 73096-3098




“Ezekiel Everill” and “Pilgrim at the Ocean”
in Common Ground Review, Fall/Winter 17.2,
January 2016: http://cgreview.org/





“Starbucks Chronicles” in online literary magazine, Shark Reef, Issue 27, Winter 2016 – http://sharkreef.org/fiction/starbucks-chronicles/




“Driving Across the Valley” in Crack the Spine online literary magazine http://www.crackthespine.com/2015/07/issue-157.html




“A Clear Horizon” in A Clean Well-Lighted Place, Fall 2013